Nolea Trust Standards

Nolea is audited and certified by industry-leading third-party standards. Your data is yours. Any records you add, labeled as 'Custom,' are securely stored in a separate, dedicated database and never

Nolea Trust Standards: Ensuring Your Data Privacy

At Nolea, we understand the importance of data security and privacy. That's why we take a multi-layered approach to safeguarding your information. This page provides a transparent outline of how Nolea adheres to industry-leading standards and protects your data, ensuring you are fully informed.

Independent Audits and Certifications:

Nolea undergoes rigorous audits by independent third-party security organizations. These audits ensure we comply with industry best practices and maintain the highest level of data security. We continuously work to achieve certifications to reinforce our commitment to your data security.

Data Ownership and Segregation:

We believe your data is yours. Any records you add that are labelled as "Custom*" are stored in a separate, dedicated database. This segregation ensures complete privacy and protection. These custom records are:

  • Never shared: Your custom data remains completely confidential and is never shared with any third party for any reason.

  • Securely stored: We utilize the latest security protocols and encryption methods to safeguard your custom data.

Taking Control of Your Data:

At Nolea, you have complete control over your data. You can:

  • Export your data: Easily download a copy of your data anytime.

  • Update your data: Keep your information accurate and up-to-date.

  • Delete your data: Request to have your data removed from our systems.

We are committed to providing you with the tools and resources to manage your data confidently. If you have any questions about our data security practices, please feel free to contact us.

Explore more:

We provide the tools and support you need to manage your data with confidence. For any questions, contact us at

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